You were involved in an auto accident.

Now what?

Car Accident Auto Accident neck and back pain

You were involved in an auto accident. It wasn’t your fault, but you must handle the situation properly. Motor vehicle accidents occur roughly every 60 seconds across the nation. Do you know what to steps to take when this happens to you?

Call emergency services immediately if you believe you have been seriously injured. Personal injuries in auto accidents are unfortunately very common. However, just because you don’t immediately feel symptoms of injury it doesn’t mean they won’t soon appear. If you begin to feel symptoms of personal injury, go see a medical provider as soon as possible. If you don’t have access to see someone, Quigley Personal Injury Lawyers can help you get seen by respected medical providers. 

Check to make sure the other people involved in the auto accident are ok. If they need emergency services, call immediately. Exchange information with the all other drivers involved in the motor vehicle accident.

Call the police and report the auto accident. In some instances, the police will only come to the scene of auto accidents if there are injuries. Having a police officer document an accident can help your case tremendously.

It is important to document your injuries and the damage to all involved vehicles by taking photographs or videos of your personal injuries and the accident scene. These photographs or videos could mean the difference between a good and bad outcome.

Lastly, and in some aspects most importantly, consult with a personal injury attorney.


Dealing with the aftermath of auto accidents can be daunting. Call us today and let us take care of everything. Call now.

(619) 413-4405