Can I Sue The Government For My Injury?

There are instances in which you can sue the government. One situation is if a government agency, employee or government itself is responsible for your injuries. An example of this kind of situation would be if a state police officer caused your injury by driving negligently. Another situation is if there were a dangerous condition on public property like a sidewalk that caused you to slip and fall you could file a lawsuit against the city. According to the CA Tort Claims Act you are required to follow certain steps in order to file a suit against the state government. To start you must file a proper notice of claim within 6 months of the date of your injury. This notice must include critical details about the incident including the circumstances, the date, the place of occurrence, and the names of the individuals involved. A proper notice of claim must also include the total amount of the claim and the damages incurred. 

When your claim is filed a government agency has 45 days to respond. If your claim is rejected you can still file a law suit in state court. Suing a government entity in California is complicated but a personal injury attorney will be able to help you through the process by drafting your notice of claim to ensure it meets the requirements of the CA Tort Claims Act.

If you’ve sustained an injury due to the negligence of a police officer or an unsafe public sidewalk call the The Quigley Law Firm and let us help you.

📞 (619) 413-4405