You have been injured by a dog bite.
Now what?
A dog bite is often traumatic both physically and emotionally. Many times dogs bite without warning. Even small dogs can do significant damage and cause serious injury with a bite. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4.7 million dog bites occur in the United States each year, with 800,000 of those bites requiring medical attention. Dog bites can cause serious physical harm and emotional trauma, and can lead to infection and other complications. It is important that you seek medical attention immediately following a dog bite incident. Getting medical care is your first priority following a dog bite as it is important for not only your wellbeing but also to document your injuries.
If you do not know the dog owner it is also important for you to get their information, including their home owner’s insurance carrier. Calling the police may be appropriate, especially if they do not cooperate with you.
Report the incident to animal control as soon as possible. It is important to document everything, including taking photographs or video of your injuries and damage to property. This visual evidence may be the difference in getting a favorable outcome to your case.
Call a personal injury lawyer who handles dog bites. In many cases, the dog who bit you belongs to a friend or family member. This can complicate things tremendously. Having a lawyer you can trust and who knows how to handle delicate situations can make all the difference. Quigley Personal Injury Lawyers and get your free consultation today.
Do not hesitate. Contact us now for your free case consultation. Quigley Personal Injury Lawyers will ensure you receive the care and compensation you deserve after being bitten by a dog.