What Should You Do If You’re A Passenger In A Car Accident?
When you ride in someone else’s car as a passenger you put your trust in them to make safe decisions on the road. If you end up injured in a car accident where you are the passenger you can claim compensation for your injuries from the at fault drivers insurance company. If both parties were at fault you may be able to claim compensation from both parties insurance companies.
Immediately after this accident occurs you will want to ensure the safety of all persons involved. If needed, call 911 for emergency services. Before leaving the scene it’s very important that you exchange insurance information with the other parties involved. It should also be noted that In California, accidents that cause over $1,000 in damages needs to be reported.
If you have any questions reach out to us at The Quigley Firm, APC for a free consultation. We will be able to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (619) 413-4405.
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