Distracted Driving


Distracted driving is a growing problem that can cause serious accidents and fatalities on the road.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a time to bring awareness to the dangers of driving while distracted. Every day, drivers across the world engage in activities that take their focus away from the road, increasing the risk of auto accidents and fatalities.

Distracted Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claimed the lives of 3,142 people in the United States alone in 2019. Distracted driving is not limited to texting and driving; it can involve anything that takes your attention away from the road, including eating, drinking, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or even daydreaming.

Distracted driving is especially dangerous for younger drivers. In fact, the NHTSA reports that drivers under the age of 20 have the highest proportion of fatal crashes that involve distracted driving. As parents and role models, it is essential to educate our children on the dangers of distracted driving and set a positive example by avoiding these distractions ourselves.

It is not just young drivers who are at risk. Drivers of all ages can benefit from learning about the dangers of distracted driving and taking steps to avoid it. Some strategies to avoid distractions while driving include:

  1. Put your phone away: Consider turning off your phone or putting it in a place that is out of reach while driving. If you need to make or receive a call, pull over to a safe location before doing so.
  2. Plan ahead: Before starting your car, make sure you have everything you need, such as snacks or directions. This will help you avoid the need to take your eyes off the road while driving.
  3. Focus on driving: When you’re behind the wheel, your focus should be on the road. Avoid eating, drinking, or engaging in other activities that take your attention away from driving.

Distracted driving is a preventable issue. By taking steps to avoid distractions while driving, we can reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on our roads. This Distracted Driving Month, let us pledge to be safe and responsible drivers and encourage others to do the same. If you or a loved one have been involved in an auto accident due to the negligence of a distracted driver call us to learn how we can help you get the justice you deserve.

(619) 413-4405